I am a visual communication designer living and working in Istanbul.

My area of ​​expertise is developing creative strategies, visual languages ​​and creating identities.

I believe in the power of design to effectively convey messages beyond aesthetics. For me, design is the embodiment of a good idea and a creative communication strategy. We may be limitless in our imagination, but I care about how to navigate the limitations of the practical world and how to make it serve our needs and purposes. In this direction, I try to produce fresh, up-to-date systems that can connect with the audience/user in every new project.

In addition to my professional life, I develop various projects for design education and give lectures and workshops at universities. I try to contribute to creating a creative community that supports personal and professional development.


Member of  Alliance Graphics Internationale * and national president of Turkey.
* The AGI was established in 1951 as a means of uniting the world’s leading creative talents in design, advertising, and illustration.


- Cannes Lions - Young Lions, 2024 Jury President - Design 
- Cannes Lions - Young Lions, 2024 Keynote Speaker
- Golden Drum, 2024 Jury President - Young Drummers 
- AD Black Sea, 2024 Juror - Design and Print Jury
- Izmir Economy University, Genç Yaratıcı Festival, 2024 Speaker 
- China Internationale Poster Bienniale, 2023,  juror and keynote speaker
- Cannes Lions, 2022 Juror
- Brand Experience & Activation 
- Golden Drum, 2022 Juror - Craft 

- Kyiv International Advertising Festival, 2021 Head of Jury - Design, Print, OOH & Craft 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2021 Juror - Design 
- Mediacat Felis Awards, 2021 Juror- Print, Outdoor 
- Loeries Awards / Africa Middle East, 2020 Juror - Design 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2020 Jury President - Design
- Mediacat Felis Awards, 2019 Jury President - Craftsmanship in Production 
- Mediacat Felis Awards, 2018 Jury President - Craftsmanship in Production 
- Association of Turkish Graphic Designers Awards (GMK Awards), 2018 Juror 
- Işık Design Days, 2022 Speaker
Sahne 2.0, 2021 Speaker
- Yeditepe University/AdWeek, 2021 Speaker
- AdForce, (Kadir Has University, Kent University) 2021, 22 Speaker
- Koç University, 2021 Speaker
- IsType, 2021 Online Speaker
- Ankara Brand Days, 2020 Speaker
- Yahsiworkshops, 2018 Co leader with Emre Senan.
- Yahsiworkshops, 2022 Project Leader.


  Bilgi University, Communication Faculty, "Art Direction in Advertising", 2021.


- Woman to Watch (Fark Yaratan Kadınlar), 2019 - Design - Prominent Woman Designer from Turkey.
(Woman to Watch is a global assessment platform. It selects the most successful female figures from sectors such as science, politics, technology, business, design and journalism.)

The Most Creative 50 (En Yaratıcı 50), 2019
"In 2018, we identified 50 names who succumbed to their curiosity and combined their innovative perspective with creative production, inspired with their courage and paved the way for those who followed them in their own discipline." It has been shown among the 50 Most Creative names from different sectors.

- Dream Team, 2016
Özge Güven was shown as one of the 6 names chosen by MediaCat magazine for prominent names in the advertising industry.

- 30Under30, 2016, 2015
Özge Güven was on the list of the most successful under 30 names published by MediaCat magazine for 2 years in a row.

- D&AD, 2019 Branding - New Branding Schemes - Yellow Pencil 
Cannes Lions, 2019 Design - Brand Collatteral - Bronze Lion 
- Loerries Awards, 2019 Communication Design - Grand Prix 

- Loerries Awards, 2019 Communication Design - Campaign - Gold 
- One Show, 2019 Branding - Identity System - Merit 
- Golden Drum, 2019 Brand Building - Shortlisted 
Dubai Lynx, 2019 Design - Bronze
- Association of Turkish Graphic Designers Awards (GMK), 2019 - The Best Corporate Identity 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2019 Design - Identity Design - Cyristal Apple
- MediaCat Felis, 2019 Design - Graphic Design - Felis 

- MediaCat Felis, 2019 Design - Corporate Identity Design - Felis 
- MediaCat Felis, 2019 Design - Photography - Felis 

- MediaCat Felis, 2019 Design - Art Direction- Felis 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2019 The Best Design for Animation 
- Association of Turkish Graphic Designers Awards (GMK) The Best Design for Animation 

- Kristal Elma Awards, 2015 Craftsmanship in Production - Design - Cyrstal Apple 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2021 Design - Poster - Cyrstal Apple 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2021 Design - Typography - Cyristal Apple
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2021 Design - Animation - Silver Apple 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2021 Design - OOH - Bronze Apple 

- Epica Awards, 2015 Print - Gold 
- Cannes Lions, 2015 Press - Shortlist 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2015 - Press - Cyristal Apple 
- Association of Turkish Graphic Designers Awards (GMK), 2015 Poster 

- Cannes Lions, 2017 Media - Shortlist 
- Golden Drum, 2017 Media - Silver
- Golden Drum, 2017 Film - Shortlist
- Dubai Lynx, 2017 Direct - Silver 
- Dubai Lynx, 2017 Media - Silver 
- Eurobest, 2017 PR - Shortlist 
- Kristal Elma, 2015 Media - 2 x Cyristal Apple
- Kristal Elma, 2015 Direct - Cyristal Apple
- Kırmızı Awards, 2015 The Best Social Responsibility Project 

- Kristal Elma, 2015 Ambient Media - Cyristal Apple 
- Association of Turkish Graphic Designers Awards (GMK), 2018 The Best New Corporate Identity
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2019 Design - New Branding - Cyristal Apple 
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2019 Design - Poster - Bronze Apple
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2019 Design - Interaction Design - Bronze Apple 

- Effie Awards, 2019 Social Media - Effie 
MediaCat Felis, 2019 Design - Poster - Felis 
Kristal Elma Awards, 2020 Design - New Branding - Cyristal Apple
- Kristal Elma Awards, 2020 Design - Packaging - Silver Apple 

Kristal Elma Awards, 2020 Social Media - Cyristal Apple 
Kristal Elma Awards, 2020 Integrated Campaign - Bronze Apple

Kristal Elma Awards, 2020 Integrated Campaign - Silver Apple
- MediaCat Felis, 2020 Design - Illustration - Felis 

- MediaCat Felis, 2019 Design - Art Direction - Felis
Kristal Elma Awards, 2019 Design - Sound Design - Cyristal Apple 

Kristal Elma Awards, 2019 - Social Media and Activation - Cyristal Apple

  Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Graphic Design.
  Master’s Degree
  Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Graphic Design.
  Master’s Degree Thesis Topic: "Examination of web fonts in the historical process of development."